Survey Association enters Cargo surveying

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Survey Association enters Cargo surveying

As of middle of this month, we will have a new department, dealing with containerised cargo surveys worldwide!
Our Global Head of Cargo Services will be Nabil Attia, former SeagoLine Customer Service manager, SeagoLine Cluster manager and Maersk Country manager Egypt.
He is joined by Achim Witte, former M&R manager, cargo safety lead and global technical equipment manager in Maersk Line and marine surveyor at Marine Management Surveys and to be in charge of the survey management, together with Khaled Shalaby, former senior claims and service recovery specialist and senior operations coordinator in Maersk Line. Together they will oversee investigations, survey reporting, analytics and loss prevention.
Supporting the team, our current marine operations coordinator Michelle Josephine Eriksen, will be managing the platform, supporting our worldwide clients and surveyors.

Welcome onboard!